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Limited Antique Hogarth Etching Print

Limited Antique Hogarth Etching Print

SKU: P10021

William Hogarth (1697 - 1764)  is best known for his series paintings of 'modern moral subjects', of which he sold engravings on subscription. The Collection contains the set called 'Marriage A-la-Mode'. Although pugnaciously hostile to Continental art, he succumbed to French influence. In 1753 he published his 'Analysis of Beauty', in which he stresses the importance of the serpentine line.Hogarth was born in London, the son of an unsuccessful schoolmaster and writer from Westmoreland. After apprenticeship to a goldsmith, he began to produce his own engraved designs in about 1710. He later took up oil painting, starting with small portrait groups called conversation pieces. He went on to create a series of paintings satirising contemporary customs, but based on earlier Italian prints, of which the first was 'The Harlot's Progress' (1731), and perhaps the most famous 'The Rake's Progress'. His engravings were so plagiarised that he lobbied for the Copyright Act of 1735 as protection for writers and artists.During the 1730s Hogarth also developed into an original painter of life-sized portraits, and created the first of several history paintings in the grand manner. 


威廉.霍加斯,英国画家、版画家。最著名的是他的“现代道德主题”系列画作,该集合包含“婚姻A-la-Mode”的创作集。尽管他对欧洲大陆艺术颇有抵触,但还是受法国的影响颇大。 1753年,他发表了他的《美丽解析》,其中强调了蛇形线条的重要性。




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